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Man on bus wearing mask

With everything happening in the world, the thought of getting on a coach can be daunting, but here at Bullocks our top priority has always been making sure our customers have a safe and happy journey. 

You can be rest assured that we are doing everything we can to make sure our coaches are clean and safe for anyone who travels with us. 

When boarding one of our coaches, we ask our passengers to:  

  • Use Hand Sanitizer - Antibacterial hand gel is available on every vehicle for both drivers and passengers to use. We kindly ask that you clean your hands upon boarding and alighting the vehicle.
  • Wear Face Coverings - As per government guidelines, it is compulsory to wear a face covering when travelling on any of our vehicles.
  • Sit in designated seating / Limited Seating Capacity - Passengers will be required to only use designated seats to adhere to social distancing rules. d. (School transport is able to operate at 100% capacity according to government and local council guidelines).
  • Check temperature - all passengers are required to be temperature checked prior to boarding.
  • Social distance – follow the 1m social distancing rules, one person per seat (unless from the same household or school).
  • Symptoms - passenger must not travel if they have symptoms or indeed if they are feeling unwell.

We have put measures in place to keep our passengers safe, including

  • Cleaning - We have implemented enhanced cleaning regimes. Our vehicles are cleaned multiple times a day; which includes the disinfection of all high contact areas with antiviral products and fogging systems.
  • Boarding Process - Passengers will be required to load rear seats first and leave the vehicle in the reverse order to avoid walking past sitting passengers.
  • On-Board Signage - We have visual reminders on our coaches regarding social distancing whilst on-board.
  • Temperature Checking - All drivers are temperature checked prior to starting their shift and the vehicle.
  • Drivers - Where possible, our drivers will disembark when passengers are entering and exiting the vehicle to minimise any unnecessary interactions. 
  • Screens - we have fitted pvc screens to separate each double seat, with one person per double seat (unless from the same household or school).

Get in touch! 

If you have any further questions, then please feel free to get in touch and our friendly team will be happy to answer any questions. 

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